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Inner listening is how we can be truly helpful. It is how we connect with wisdom, truth and love. Listen within, beyond the conflictual thoughts of the ego - to the communication beyond. Listen for the silence that is Calling your mind to be at peace - regardless of what you are ‘hearing’ from the surface of consciousness (your own thoughts or spoken by another - they are the same). Everyone desires to be truly helpful. To be truly loving. The key is to listen… train your mind to listen inwardly in response. Give yourself permission to relax and not have the answer -because it will not come from you (personally).

The response that unlocks perceived problems, the Answer that results in a miracle (the release of fear as things are seen differently), always comes from the Source of peace that is within you. Give space - allow space - practice patience - trust in the Spirit within to be the healer, the help, the Answer. Active listening is to listen deeply within. It is to practice forgiveness constantly by releasing every thought that arises that wants to engage with the story. In releasing your own thoughts and impulse to respond you are making the space within you for Truth to be present. To receive the Gift of awareness that you can then share. You must first receive the healing before you can share it… especially at times like this, when world circumstances are unpredictable, the practice of inner listening is the greatest Gift that you can receive, or give. Let’s be the light of the world, by welcoming the light to be in our mind… it shines of itself. If there are words to be spoken, they will be Given… but again… they will not come from you alone. Relax... allow.... watch... and have the Answer revealed. I will be sharing much more on this topic in the days, weeks and months to come. It inspires me deeply. It is our relationship with God. With blessings, Kirsten


Another clear 'zinger' of a message from ACIM about right mindedness (true health) and miscreation (which is what everyone is afraid of - the belief that something unlike God can be created).

Our mind is powerful beyond comprehension. Learning to direct our thinking is essential to have peace of mind and therefore stay aware of Who we truly are.

"True denial is a powerful protective device. You can and should deny any belief that error can hurt you. This kind of denial is not a concealment but a correction. Your right mind depends on it. Denial of error is a strong defense of truth, but denial of truth results in miscreation, the projections of the ego. In the service of the right mind the denial of error frees the mind, and re-establishes the freedom of the will. When the will is really free it cannot miscreate, because it recognizes only truth." (T-2.II.2.)

To practically apply this teaching, when any fear-based thoughts arise, including any body thoughts involving concern - deny that these thoughts have any power over you. See them for what they are - fear thoughts arising. And make your decision immediately to deny these thoughts are true.

Our mission is to deny the belief in an external cause in order to have our mind aligned with Truth; with the all pervasive, omniscient power of God. For many, the training happens to involve a virus in this moment - but this profound teaching is applicable always - regardless of the form the thoughts are about. Our master psychologist is teachings us to free our mind. Now is the time to dive into this 100%. Nothing less will do. Put your cape on! Our super power is forgiveness! Go for it with denying that ego thoughts have any power... and then... as gently as if blowing seeds from a dandelion... may all fear and doubt gently be absolved... resolved... dissolved... from your holy mind.

With love and blessings,

Kirsten P.S I enjoyed looking up these definitions! ABSOLVE

Set or declare (someone) free from blame, guilt, or responsibility. Synonyms: exonerate - discharge  - acquit  - exculpate - vindicate - release - relieve - liberate - free - deliver - clear - spare - exempt - let off - forgive - pardon - excuse - give amnesty to - give dispensation to - give indulgence to - reprieve - have mercy on - show mercy to RESOLVE

Settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter).

Synonyms: settle - sort out - solve


(With reference to a solid) cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution.


go into solution - become a solution - break down - liquefy - melt - deliquesce - disintegrate - diffuse - solvate - close down or dismiss

Synonyms: disband - disestablish - dismiss - bring to an end - end - terminate - finish


At a time when daily conversations are about places closing and events being cancelled due to the coronavirus, the topic of true protection is of great relevance. Perfect health is a state of mind in alignment with our Spirit-given function - with Gods will. When our mind is filled with the light of communication, the body serves its function perfectly.

Our thoughts, our state of mind, is of extremely high importance. Questions that help clarify alignment are: What is the direction of my thinking? Is it towards forgiveness and truth? Which thought system am I aligned with - even if I seem to be sharing 'observations' or stories about what is happening? Truly, what is the purpose of speaking in this moment? (If this is unclear you can always ask and observe "How does it feel? Does it / did it lead to a miracle of joining in truth or did it result in reinforcing a world of external causation... which feels problematic and unresolved?" Last night I had the pleasure of guest-facilitating an ACIM group in Lafayette. I found myself sharing a powerful parable of having extreme flu symptoms in Argentina in 2008 - right as a 'killer virus' was circulating in Buenos Aires.

The symptoms were intense and I had cancelled the groups with my students. My host and student had taken the role of my doctor and advisor... which was completely upside down - I was in total weakness.... losing faith in everything. All it took was one phone call with mighty companions, who took one look at me on a Skype video call and called me on avoiding my function. Yes I admitted, I had been avoiding my assignment because of the confrontational and angry reactions... thereby siding with weakness rather than the strength of Christ. This one avoidance and led me away from the light and love of my function and deeper into doubt and darkness to where I looked like Lazarus in a tomb! After this 30 minute wake-up call I was back in the direction of my function - Asking my host to join me in the truth and call the rest of the students to come the following day. Health on every level began to return.... And Jesus' words to me? Enough now. I am your physician. Never again are you to put your faith in magic. From now on your absolute and total faith is in me. Of course magic can be supplemental - even then i felt guided to stay warm in a blanket and sip on lemon and honey drinks as the physical symptoms slowly subsided - but the core direction of our faith and our though must be towards the source and Answer.

"There is one thought in particular that should be remembered throughout the day. It is a thought of pure joy; a thought of peace, a thought of limitless release, limitless because all things are freed within it. You think you made a place of safety for yourself. You think you made a power that can save you from all the fearful things you see in dreams. It is not so. Your safety lies not there. What you give up is merely the illusion of protecting illusions. And it is this you fear, and only this. How foolish to be so afraid of nothing! Nothing at all! Your defenses will not work, but you are not in danger. You have no need of them. Recognize this, and they will disappear. And only then will you accept your real protection.

How simply and how easily does time slip by for the teacher of God who has accepted His protection! All that he did before in the name of safety no longer interests him. For he is safe, and knows it to be so. He has a Guide Who will not fail. He need make no distinctions among the problems he perceives, for He to Whom he turn s with all of them recognizes no order of difficulty in resolving them. He is as safe in the present as he was before illusions were accepted into his mind, and as he will be when he has let them go. There is no difference in his state at different times and different places, because they are all one to God. This is his safety. And he has no need for more than this. " (ACIM. M-16.6,7) May our one response be healing. May we teach only love, to know this is what we are. And may we allow ourselves to rest in the holiness and peace that is ever available to touch upon within and then extend to the world

With blessings, Kirsten

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