Prayer is eternal. It is a song of gratitude between the creator and the created.
To live in a state of prayer is to constantly turn to God as the Source of our Life and Being.
Our pathway of awakening involves asking, listening, and being guided by the Holy Spirit, being the Voice for God. Learning to live in this guidance is our Heart's Calling - it is our means for joining in service to the Christ Mind through our actions, thoughts and words.This is how we awaken to God's Love.
Taking quiet time in prayer is a Gift for our mind, and therefore for all.
In "The Song of Prayer", ACIM, prayer is described as a ladder that ascends from earth to heaven.
Being on the lower rungs is praying / desiring things of this world, believing they will bring love, peace of mind, and happiness. As our mind awakens to Truth, we realize the root cause of all suffering is lack of connection with our Source. When this is clear, we realize what"True Prayer" is.
As we are released from personal desires, and our mind is trained to decide for God for everything, we rise to higher and higher rungs of awareness.
Although God knows the true prayer of our heart before we ask, it is important that we do not skip steps or deny what we believe we need. Our true Heart's desire has been so denied and pushed out of awareness, that allowing desire into awareness is an essential step in the awakening / healing process.
Find a playlist of "Invitation to Prayer" sessions below.

Prayer is for Joy: Prayer Gathering 1 - ACIM - Kirsten Buxton

Prayer Dovetails with Forgiveness: Prayer Gathering - ACIM - Kirsten Buxton