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Inspired by the experience of ACIM Lesson, "I will be still an instant and go home". "In stillness I am Home...

This Christ-child, tucked within my Heart

So poignant and clear,

Most cherished and precious...

This world cannot shelter her,

She belongs with her Mother, her Father, her God.

Held dear within the light,

So close,

All sense of parent and child disappear

In the Union of the One.

To feel this tender Love in my heart,

In every moment, is all that I want.

Nothing but awareness of Christ' Love,

God's Love, Home.

The 'runaway girl' became a seeker

Searching for her Home.

She found. She is no longer lost.

Oh, my Heart."

Have a blessed day,

at Home in Christ,

With eternal Love,

Kirsten ❤️


Updated: Jul 5, 2023

“Walk with me angels

Walk with me today

Through fields of tall grass

To gaze at the vastness of the canyon

Let my mind stay with You

In gentleness and Grace

Shown which way to go

Moment by moment, in listening to You

I belong in You

My heart is yours

Only You know how to treat it so that

Only blessings are sustained

And so I give my Self to You

To be utterly held in Your care

I want to see Your Eyes wherever I look

Hear Your Voice within my mind

Feel Your loving Presence in every moment, spent with you.”

Have a truly blessed day,

Remembering how deeply Loved you are.

With eternal Love,

Kirsten ❤️



Give your whole heart to serving Gods Plan. For eventually your heart will burst open with the abundance of Love pouring through you…

and it will be done.

This is my experience, as I find myself in Silence and stillness... the 'doer' has been undone... the prayer to serve and know mySelf as the One Giving and receiving has been answered.

I find myself in tears of gratitude - for the huge volume of opportunities I have been given to serve His Plan...

The miracle is shining in my mind... so bright and clear... and the hush of heaven... the quietness... surrounds and fills my being... emanating out to the whole world...

So utterly content... present... still.


You are invited to a retreat this fall with David and myself. It will be a deep and beautiful experience, held at the Living Miracles Monastery.

This place has been a backdrop for countless opportunities for beloveds from around the world to come and deepen in their practice and devotion, through service and prayer. Being in a community setting where the Purpose of awakening is nurtured and valued, is a Gift for the heart and mind.

Sessions will be full of depth, clarity and joy. An opportunity to gather, and bask in Presence, inviting the Spirit to pour through, answering the deepest question of the heart.

Being with David at an in-person retreat is such a gift - and a rare opportunity.

If you feel Called, we would be delighted to have you join us.


For more info and to register, go to:

With eternal Love,

Kirsten ❤️

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