Book Series - Video Playlist
I Married A Mystic Book Series - 2020
I Married A Mystic Book Series - 2020

Chapter 1: Meeting a Mystic "I Married A Mystic" Book Reading series with Kirsten Buxton, ACIM Books

Chapter 2: Heart of Service "I Married A Mystic" Book Reading series with Kirsten Buxton, ACIM Books

Chapter 3: Yes, I Will Marry You! "I Married A Mystic" Book Reading series with Kirsten Buxton, ACIM
"I Married a Mystic" is the story of one woman’s leap of faith to discover a love that never ends!
It was a surprise to strong-willed Kirsten Buxton when Jesus suddenly appeared to her, announcing he would be her guide. At twenty-seven years of age, a serious bike accident had left her physically, psychologically, and emotionally devastated, with no control over her life. Having had no previous relationship with Jesus, she began studying A Course in Miracles and developing trust in the Spirit within. Miraculously, world-renowned teacher of A Course in Miracles, David Hoffmeister, visited her hometown. Jesus told Kirsten to trust this man completely in order to experience a relationship like no other. Her courageous acceptance of this guidance opened her heart and mind in ways she never could have imagined.
Throughout this diary of radical self-inquiry, Kirsten candidly exposes her fears, projections, and private thoughts whilst on an epic adventure of holy relationship with a tirelessly happy mystic! A must read for those seeking to intimately apply non-dual spiritual teachings in every aspect of daily experience: in the bedroom, the bathroom, and even the supermarket.
This profound and often humorous account is literally a ‘how-to’ guide for awakening.
Kirsten writes: "This book is my experience of a profound and unexpected journey, detailing an accelerated path having been partnered with a mystic devoted to awakening.
This book is a journey about the “Yes”, as well as facing the “No”, and choosing to trust once more. It’s about being in the fast flowing river that carries us Home when the decision is made to leave the river bank and dive in. It is about an authentic journey of asking, receiving, daring to be transparent, and daring to stay with the Spirits Plan. The Spirits Plan for me involved a very deeply devoted practice of trusting my brother. It still does. And this Trust fills my heart with Joy."