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Tonight begins an intimate weekend retreat here at the house in Alkmaar, Holland. An opportunity to immerse in silence, allow what is ready to arise for healing, and be within an atmosphere of safety, presence, prayer, and Love, with the Holy Spirit Guiding the weekend.

Inspired by the profound and practical teaching in the Course that minds are joined, and therefore private thoughts must be brought to the light in order to heal and experience the freedom, joy and intimacy that we all desire.

This course is not beyond immediate learning, unless you believe that what God wills takes time… The holy instant is this instant and every instant. The one you want it to be it is... For beyond the past and future, where you will not find it, it stands in shimmering readiness for your acceptance… Your practice must therefore rest upon your willingness to let all littleness go.” (T-15.IV)

After the Being Guided tour came to an end I have been in prayer to be shown directions... which involves allowing the 'not-knowing'... allowing the space... allowing feeling deactivated without knowing if I will ever be activated again... allowing each moment to be so full and total that there is nothing else... tears falling in the letting go of everything...

And then the call quietly shows itself... such as for an intimate retreat... and now before we begin there is a waiting list and group already asking for the next one to be arranged... ready to set a date...

It seems to be more and more like that - things arranging themselves and telling me that they are happening... and so we shall see... for sure it will be obvious, as His Plan always is.

My gatherings inspire songs in the hearts of those who come... awakening to the realization of what is blocking and what is truly supportive to know God... I just show up... available to be moved, to be shown what is the Call and how Grace would answer... for now this is the part He would have me play to know Him, to be with Him, to be released from the belief that I am anything more or less than the listening, the following, the Presence that is felt...

Of myself I can do nothing... thank you God... herein lies true freedom... herein lies love ❤


Updated: Jan 12, 2020

Dear Kirsten,

I have a question in regards to traumatic experiences. What or better how would Jesus deal with personality disorders for example? Would you suggest therapy or simply doing the course? or both?

I doubt that in certain cases prayer alone will do and that it certainly a lack of faith. So where am I when I still believe in therapy on a psychological level?

I think where I am struggling at the moment is to put a fix label over someone e.g. you have this and that borderline personality and it is rare to be cured. I find it easier if I see that certain traces are here coming up from the unconscious in a very painful way but the label, the diagnosis hurts me. Makes me feel even more if once diagnosed as disordered or even ill you are always ill. Aren't all identities in some way disordered as long as we are not living our true reality..

Warm wishes, C

Hi C,

There is a booklet called the Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice, within which Jesus describes the value and purpose of psychotherapy. I find that when working with others including 1-1 sessions, and also in gatherings when someone asks a question and is open to exploring their healing on a deeper level directly within a group, it is often psychotherapy. Particularly when it involves trauma, it can be very supportive and helpful to be 'walked through' a healing process by someone who is clear on the process of forgiveness and can both hold the space to allow for emotional healing, and can gently guide the process to see the present core beliefs in the mind that are ready to be seen.

ACIM is a mind training tool to help your mind, discern what is of the ego, and to align the direction of our thinking and prayer towards the Voice for God. Because this is a pathway involving relationships, the journey will no doubt involve psychotherapy at some level.

I join you in giving any "official diagnosis" over to the Spirit for release. While also acknowledging the need for support and healing. It is good to be open to who and what the Spirit brings onto our path for healing - and to stay open to the recognition that the healing goes far beyond the recent story or experiences of this lifetime. There are core beliefs in the mind that are ready to be faced and healed. This is the context for seeing the healing within the perspective of awakening, which is not personal, and then need not be resisted or seen as failure of any kind.

With much love,


The Psychotherapy booklet is available to order here, and is also included in newer editions of ACIM, as published by the authorized publishers, The Foundation for Inner Peace


Who you are is love, at peace, one forever in the heart of God. Nothing can change this.

Only a dream of change, believed for a moment can obscure truth from awareness.

There is nowhere to go and nothing to do, to get back what cannot be lost. It is not out there. It is not in the past or the future. It is only found here - within.

Now is the time to truly accept the totality of existence is in mind. Divine Mind knows no pain, no suffering, no separation and no longing to return. Unhealed mind is in need of Love - as the answer, the reminder, of what is ever present and cannot be lost.

Welcome Love to pervade the dream. Ever present, unseen unless looked for, As obvious as sunlight streaming through the trees - or music filling a room, the light of love fills all space. But unlike sunlight and sound, it knows no limits.

Today be filled with light. Today is filled with light. There is nothing else. No problem to solve, nothing worth losing awareness of divine mind over.

Be the light of the world. Be who you were created to be. Be happy.

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