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Updated: Dec 2, 2020

Beloveds, You too may enjoy this writing about the beginning movement away from 'the Empire' towards God, and towards simplicity as a state of mind. This fits beautifully with the purpose of mystical community. Abundant simplicity is the spiritual reward of forgiveness. With love, Kirsten ❤️

When Christianity became the established religion of the Roman Empire, something remarkable and strange took place. A whole set of people began to flock to the margins of the Empire to pursue God. They went to the deserts of Palestine, Cappadocia, Syria, and Egypt. This is the emergence of the ones we now call in a collective way the Desert Fathers and Mothers. These individuals in the desert sought to reflect more deeply on the Mystery of God and God’s will through work, prayer, and study of the Scriptures.

Thomas Merton (1915–1968) describes their movement this way:

Society—which meant pagan society, limited by the horizons and prospects of life “in this world”—was regarded by them as a shipwreck from which each single individual had to swim for their life. . . . These were people who believed that to let oneself drift along, passively accepting the tenets and values of what they knew as society, was purely and simply a disaster. The fact that the Emperor was now Christian and that the “world” was coming to know the Cross as a sign of temporal power only strengthened them in their resolve. [1]

Benedictine Sister Laura Swan has written about the spirituality of the Desert Mothers, and describes the quest for wholeness and salvation for which these seekers thirsted and could find only outside the mainstream society:

Desert spirituality is characterized by the pursuit of abundant simplicity—simplicity grounded in the possession of little—and the abundance of God’s presence. Yearning for complete union with God, desert ascetics sought to remove all obstacles to the deepening of this relationship. Obstacles included unhelpful attitudes and motives, thoughts that stalled their pursuit of God, and emotional ties that complicated their inner journeys.

The desert ascetics’ relationships were nonpossessive: They cared for others while leaving them free. Concern for reputation was discarded. Feelings were acknowledged and listened to for their wisdom but were subjected to the discipline of the heart’s goal to seek God. The desert ascetics sought to mortify disordered passions that distracted them from their deepening relationship with God and actively to cultivate a burning love for God.

Although the journey began with giving away possessions, desert ascetics understood that what possessed them was greater than the sum of goods owned. All that owned them, all that possessed their minds and hearts, their attachments and compulsions, must be healed and reconciled. Desert ascetics called this process of moving toward inner freedom detachment. Detachment allows for greater direct experience of the Divine Presence as the seeker is attached to fewer distractions.

Desert ascetics understood that the cultivation of inner freedom was vital to the deepening of their experience of God. As they deepened their interior freedom, all aspects of their false self were removed and a clearer understanding of their truest self emerged. It is this true self that dwells deeply with God. In the abundant simplicity of our true self, we experience deepest joy. Source: Richard Rohr's Daily Meditation

From the Center for Action and Contemplation #ForgivenessOfIllusions


Beloved friends,

We love the absolute. We love non-compromise. We LOVE the demonstration of mystics, leaders, and saints who are unapologetic in their firm resolution when it comes to the truth. There is nothing more loving than clarity!

Really, who wants to be confused, foggy, wishy-washy, doubtful, weak, unheard, victimized, angry, puffed up in self-righteousness, or simply plateaued in their journey? NOT US!

That's why we are deeply attracted to ACIM. To forgiveness!!!!

This Course is super clear. Only the truth is true. How do you feel? What are you justifying or supporting, and is it what you want? Is it bringing you deeper into the Experience? So simple!!!

This Course takes us through an undoing of everything, into the deepest of truth - as an Experience. And if we are still dealing with lack of depth, lack of inspiration, lack of love then we haven't fully taken the Course all the way... yet.

This is such GOOD news! We are not without Help, without a clear Guide and a clear direction. It's just a question of being radically, and I mean radically honest.

Thank God for learning of this holy Purpose for relationships. To know that nothing is going wrong, but that we are shown our holiness, our innocence, and all that needs to be healed through them. As fuel for forgiveness, they literally become a pathway, a gateway to heaven (oneness) as all scraps of guilt are released.

Forgiveness is our way of life - a moment by moment Way of Life... taking us from personal life to Eternal Life. From the external to the mystical.

Wow..... sooooooo grateful!!!!!!

There can't be a more inspiring topic for an online retreat weekend

See you there!

The registration link is here.

"A Course in Miracles is a very direct path to God; the path of true forgiveness. Only through complete forgiveness is the ego released and Heaven remembered as our natural state. As Jesus states in the text, "This course will be believed entirely or not all. For it is wholly true or wholly false, and cannot be but partially believed." (T-22.II.7.4) It is uncompromising because there can be no compromise between everything and nothing; everything being Spirit, and nothing being all of time and space.

"This is a course in miracles. It is a required course. Only the time you take it is voluntary." — In-1.1-3, A Course in Miracles

Join David Hoffmeister & the Living Miracles community for another profound online retreat weekend, October 2–4, 2020! You will meet mighty companions from around the world and have the opportunity to ask the deepest questions on your heart.


Updated: Oct 2, 2020

“The journey we undertake together is the exchange of dark for light, of ignorance for understanding... The quiet light in which the Holy Spirit dwells within you is merely perfect openness, in which nothing is hidden, and therefore nothing is fearful... You have regarded the separation as a means for breaking your relationship with your Father... the Holy Spirit reinterprets it as a means of re-establishing... learn of Him how to apply it to the holy cause of restoration.

We must open all doors and let the light come streaming through. There are no hidden chambers in God’s temple...”

The light of Communication - ACIM Have a blessed day, With Love, Kirsten ❤️

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