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Writer: Kirsten BuxtonKirsten Buxton

Updated: Mar 2, 2021

Devotion is love. To be devoted to God is to simply love God. In this love, our true Identity is found. We are that Love. We are one with the Love that we desire to know, that we give our full heart and mind to. It is purely in the desire to know this love, to have this love and only this love fill our mind, that our very being merges with it, into it, and our heart is filled to overflowing. It is simply a Giving… a pure desire to know, to be one with, to serve in the truest sense, the Love that we are. Which simply means there is no desire to get or serve something else. To be devoted does not involve proving oneself, or efforting. God simply is. Abiding, ever present light ‘waiting’ for us to relinquish efforting and simply fall back into being with Him. It is simply a singular state of mind, a direction of one’s heart, mind and prayer. This devotion is very different to loyalty to a person, a religion, or a concept of spirituality. In this sense, loyalty or devotion can be personal and can become a block to knowing God. If it originates from personal desire for achievement, or devotion to something external, it will contain it’s opposite - as all things of a dualistic cosmos do. Loyalty to something of this world can mask the belief in disloyalty, or betrayal, or a deep sense of wrongness. Whereas true devotion, of the Heart, from and for the Heart of God - has nothing to do with the ego personality or even the subtlest of spiritual goals. If there is something to heal, the devotion is towards healing. This is the pathway back into remembrance of God - through the miracle which unites us with the light within our brother and our own mind once again. Devotion to awakening to God contains it all. Within this Direction and Care, what is not of God is laid aside, and we awaken to the Love we have always been and will forever be. Here we find our greatest Joy.

Thank You. With Love,

Kirsten ✨❤️✨


Every morning I awake to silence… stillness… the hush of heaven in the air…

One glance at the vastness is all it takes to be reminded that this day belongs to God.

And His joy is my joy - all He wants for us is to allow His Love to be extended through us to His beloved child / his beloved children - through being in peace, through being with Jesus in prayer, through listening and welcoming His Presence in our mind and heart as our priority in every moment.

Every night I sit and listen to the sound of silence… which is filled with the soft singing of crickets, and the faint sound of the river flowing below, as it makes its way through the canyon… And I give thanks for yet another day. For His Love. For our Purpose of forgiveness, through which we receive All that we ever wanted. A Heart full of joy.

Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤ ❤ ❤


Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Dear Friends,

Here is the latest update ✨❤️✨ The Living Miracles Monastery is the only one of its kind in the world. It is an A Course In Miracles Monastery, where awakening is the singular purpose held. Many who arrive on the property are moved by the palpable awareness of a pure foundation, which is reflected in the vastness and stillness of the canyon.

I am honored to share with you about the next phase, which will begin in the late fall. I will be residing at the monastery and inviting a small group who are experienced with living in community and the practical application of ACIM to abide together as a ‘mystical community’ throughout the winter.

To be at the monastery, where there is one singular, deep purpose held, abiding with those who share the desire to awaken, is a Gift beyond measure. I feel such a joy in my heart!

Our path involves open communication, and collaborations through which the Guidance of the Spirit is revealed and strengthened within our mind, to keep showing us the Way, what is truly helpful, and Who we truly are.

If this stirs within your heart and you would like to hear more, please watch this video, and see visit the Monastery page for more information here

With much love,

Kirsten ✨❤️✨

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