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Writer: Kirsten BuxtonKirsten Buxton

Sunday morning: I’m flying to Utah today, deeply grateful for the blessed time in Mexico. The prayerful time by the lake, the holy encounters and deep joinings in Truth, and the joyful vibrant experience of being with David and community live for the weekly movie gatherings was all part of a profound shift within my mind. ✨✨✨🕊💛✨✨✨

Angel wings spread across the sky the last time I walked by the lake... and soon afterwards I received the instruction that it was time to go ✨🙏🕊❤️✨

Thank you beloveds 🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊❤️🙏

The ACIM Oracle chose the perfect Gift for Truth to bless my mind today ✨🕊✨

Lesson 67 - Love created me like itself. ...You need to hear this often... ... no judgement about your self or your brother is real... release all thoughts of time and space... open our heart, our mind to the correction of the HS, to the Truth of our being... to knowing - Love created me like itself. Joy created me joyful 💖 Peace created me peaceful 🕊 Kindness created me kind 🌟 Love created me like itself 💛 Thank you God ✨🙏🌟❤️❤️❤️🕊✨ Angel wings over Lake Chapala

The following morning: On the way to Utah yesterday it felt like looking upon heaven as I gazed out the window of the plane. The light was everywhere, illuminating everything... there was nowhere it was not. I could see it shining down through to the other side of the clouds, this bright all-encompassing light, appearing as great rays. There is a white dove of light, just beneath the clouds.

When you're on the ground looking up you can't see that this light is everywhere... but it surely is... as sure as God's Light is omnipresent. We coasted along in this light-filled wonder for the longest time... truly one moment in eternity is a glimpse of it all...

After some time, vast canyon walls began to appear in the scenery below... and before long I was on the ground, scooped up by Zach (from the Metaphysical Center in Kamas) for a late-night mission to pick up groceries and head straight out to Angels Landing, where I am staying for the coming months. Angels' is right beside the Monastery, at the end of the property overlooking the valley. The view is like a painting that silently changes throughout the day. The light reflects off the river in the morning, and then covers the canyon walls with glowing golden light in the early evening. At night the sky is filled with stars...

It feels like it's time to settle in and 'prepare the table' 🙏🕊❤️


Beloved friends,

I have been in prayer about my Calling, and the next step has been revealed - it feels like a Gift from God. It involves residing at the Monastery and having a ‘mystical community’ come together, beginning late fall.

When I sit with this in prayer, it feels like an invisible path opening up… a feeling and awareness of light… infused with deep peace… which then becomes the path of light to the light.

It feels completely present, anchored right Here, while at the same time, there is a Knowing that it leads to God. That unmistakable Knowing of what this is all for.

To be at the Monastery, where there is one singular, deep purpose held, abiding with those who share the desire to awaken, is a Gift beyond measure. I feel such a joy in my heart!!!

“Peace is joy at rest, Joy is rest at play”. This is how it feels!

Joyful. Reverent. Nurturing awareness of the holy instant to keep it shining in awareness. This one Present Goal that fulfills all desires, all prayers of the Heart. It feels deeply nurturing for our hearts and mind.

There is a wonder in seeing each day reveal itself, of tuning into the Spirit’s Flow and Guidance, and learning over and over again that God's will for us is perfect happiness. This is our natural state of mind, and state of being, and becomes consistent and unwavering through our dedication to mind-training and internal listening. Oh don’t we all look forward to being completely free of all scraps of self-doubt, unworthiness, and hesitation!

And so, our path at the Monastery involves open communication, and collaborations through which the Guidance of the Spirit is revealed and strengthened within our mind, to keep showing us the Way, what is truly helpful, and Who we truly are.

I welcome discovering who is to come and reside together throughout the winter. And seeing how shorter stays and retreats will unfold to host beloveds desiring to come.

To be held in this depth of one purpose, surrounded by the vast open spaciousness in the silence of the canyon reflects the deepest prayer of our Heart - to “Be still, and know that I am God”. With love and deep, deep gratitude, Kirsten To see pictures and get a feeling for the Monastery and what is happening there now during the summer, visit

Writer: Kirsten BuxtonKirsten Buxton

Today was spent in prayer. It is usually active outdoors with happy Mexicans everywhere, but today was a hushed reflection of a prayerful state of mind. I feel the light within my Heart, lighting up...

Show me the Way, God

Show me the Way, Heart of Mine

Show me the Path of Light... from my Heart to Yours

Here... Now...

Knowing any next step to stay with You - to shine Your light, is revealed within this Light...

Being our Heart

I understand why Paramahansa Yogananda was drawn to lake Chapala for a time of deep prayer and contemplation about his Calling (in the 1929).

Thank You God...


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