Today was spent in prayer. It is usually active outdoors with happy Mexicans everywhere, but today was a hushed reflection of a prayerful state of mind. I feel the light within my Heart, lighting up...
Show me the Way, God
Show me the Way, Heart of Mine
Show me the Path of Light... from my Heart to Yours
Here... Now...
Knowing any next step to stay with You - to shine Your light, is revealed within this Light...
Being our Heart
I understand why Paramahansa Yogananda was drawn to lake Chapala for a time of deep prayer and contemplation about his Calling (in the 1929).

Thank You God...
Thank you so much for that beautiful prayee ❤❤
Thank you Kirsten, for the beautiful poem.
Hope you have a wonderful time there in Mexico.
I also loved the readings from your book “ I married a Mystic”
You helped me so much In deepening the Course for me.
I just had a zoom retreat with David. Trust is the basis of peace.
I enjoyed it very much.
I can see God’s love in you all❤️
It was the first time. Coming from a background as a Jehovah’s Witness I’am still a little vigilance.
Thank you for giving me the change to speak to you.
Sending love from the Netherlands 💖😘
I knew Yogananda went to Mexico for prayer and contemplation but didn’t realize it was Lake Chapala.. so lovely! 🙏❤️ enjoy your time there! I will visit soon 😊