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Writer: Kirsten BuxtonKirsten Buxton

I love being woken at 3am, to spend silent hours in prayerful contemplation. The spaciousness and stillness in the quiet darkness of the morning is such a Gift… knowing nothing else is happening and this time is completely available for being with God, thoughts and prayers.

I’ve been reading some of St Francis’ rule in the wee hours. Through knowing Divine Providence, he knew the downfalls of personal ownership and egoic self reliance. His passion for poverty has nothing whatsoever to do with scarcity. His experience of total reliance on God as provider was what he wanted all of his brothers and sisters to know. The Certainty and blessings of being taken care of by our heavenly Father is our joy, being Life itself. St Francis, “Humility is the recognition of truth about God and ourselves.” “We must be firmly convinced that we have nothing of our own, except our vices and sins.” This is what Jesus continues to teach us now. God is our Source - we can not think apart from Him. We are sustained by the love of God… all else is personal interpretation. When we finally learn to take responsibility for nothing except our own mind (our one responsibility is to accept the atonement for ourselves), we come to know God - for where is God, what is God, but Divine Mind. To go more deeply into the release of personal ownership is a pathway to God. For to claim ownership of one's deeds, one's works, one's future or one's past can easily be a form of pride… whether it be raising one's self up or insisting on littleness.

God created Christ - as the child of God we are not capable of changing His perfect Love - or using it in a personal way. It is through us that our Father does all things. And in this recognition we take 'the second place to gain the first' - and we know our Self as God created us to be. Whole, in pure simplicity... in such a gentle state of beingness within which i know that of myself I can do nothing - I am nothing - without Him.

Oh to know this, to live this, every moment of the day... to never lose this holy awareness of Your Love. This is my prayer... that whatever arises today, my mind remains within the sanctity of Yours. Thank you ❤️ 🕊 ❤️ Have a blessed day, remembering what is forever true, With Love,

Kirsten ❤️

References: Saint Francis of Assisi, His essential Wisdom. Edited by Carol Kelly-Gangi

A Course In Miracles #DivineProvidence #ACIMmonastery


Dear Friends,

The foundation of our monastery lies in the mystical teachings of Jesus as taught in A Course in Miracles. It is a place of prayer and devotion, where awakening through forgiveness is the singular purpose. Awakening to Who we are is letting go of all that we are not (the ego). The Spirit's purpose is consistently supported at the Monastery, every day being Guided by Him. Held in the peace and stillness of this beautiful setting, it is easy to discern the difference between the Spirit and the ego. There are no grey areas - the Spirit’s Purpose shines bright and joins us with our brothers in a collaborative, joyful, loving experience! All else is a call for healing and forgiveness. Recently I was called into three days of silence and prayer. During this time Jesus described the Monastery as being “a sanctuary of prayer, a place for brothers and sisters who thirst to come and drink from the Living Waters, and then continue on their way.

And so the Monastery is now open for in-person ‘Prayer Stays’. These stays can be visits of up to two weeks. For more information and to apply, see here

You are warmly invited to join us for ‘An Invitation to Prayer’ online gatherings

Weekly via Zoom, beginning Monday 10th May. Sign up to receive details including the Zoom link here

Words cannot describe the Gift and honor it is to live a life in service to the Spirit. Every leap of faith we take in His direction is so worth it, for it brings us closer to God; filling our mind with clarity and purpose, and our heart with fulfillment and Love. In ACIM Jesus describes, “In this world you can become a spotless mirror, in which the Holiness of your Creator shines forth from you to all around you. You can reflect Heaven here.” (T-14.IX.) With Love and Gratitude, Kirsten ❤️

Monastery Stays

Prayer Stays Prayer Stays are for one or two weeks. Occasionally there are openings for 3 night stays. These Prayer Stays are an opportunity to be in a place of reverence, and take quiet prayer-time alone to deepen in relationship with God / Jesus. As individually guided, there are opportunities to be of service, and to join with monastery community members, such as for morning ACIM lesson prayer, meditation, altar sessions, or online events. Application form for Prayer Stays here Enjoy this meditative video from the Monastery, Prayer Becomes a Song of Gratitude

Mystical Community Residential Stays These residential stays are a longer-term dive into full-time devotional prayer-life, living and applying the teachings of ACIM. Stewarding the Monastery through devotional service is our collaborative backdrop for awakening.

Application form for Mystical Community Stays here

Enjoy this video of Mystical Community members sharing gratitude, love & insights.


Updated: May 11, 2023

Hi Everyone ❤️

I just received guidance from Jesus not to hold any more guided meditations. Something else is coming in, and I will share the invitation with you when I have received all of the details. What I can tell you is that it involves prayer. So there will not be a guided meditation session this coming Monday. Below is the most recent and what turned out to be the final session, from Monday 12th April; a talk on devotion and mind-training, and on into a 20 minute silent meditation. You can find all of the previous guided meditations here

We are entering a quiet phase now at the Monastery. It feels like 'Tabula Rasa' a clean slate. It is a time of allowing the Spirit to reveal what this next phase is. It feels spacious and full. A time of reflection and prayer, tending the garden figuratively and literally, as are the deer, chipmunks, squirrels and birds, who bless us every day with their sweet presence.

With Love always, Kirsten ❤️

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